Saturday 3 December 2011


A Large Bunch of Mistletoe in a Local Churchyard
Kissing loved ones and even complete strangers under the mistletoe has always been a fun tradition in the UK. The plant is very popular in Christmas imagery, which varies from the innocent to the thoroughly cheeky.
Bring The Love Back Into Your Life
Mistletoe’s sassy reputation is the remnant of an ancient (possibly even prehistoric) fertility tradition bolstered by the reinvention of druidic ideas; it is also significant in Nordic and Greek legends.
Getafix Cooks Up A Potent Potion
European varieties have many properties that interest herbalists, homeopaths and other eccentrics. Rudof Steiner thought it might cure cancer and Getafix, the druid from Asterix the Gaul, relied on mistletoe to prepare his magic potion that gave the troops superhuman-strength. However, American variants can be poisonous, so don’t leave any within reach of very small children.

Mistletoe Berries...

The mysterious Mistletoe plant is parasitic and grows on many different deciduous trees; pine and fruit trees are common but it can be found on many others. The pretty white berries nestling between the branches are full of sticky white juice; which helps to stick the seed onto a new host and probably also serves to augment saucy associations. These seeds are commonly spread by birds, such as the Mistle Thrush – you can see the connection! Like all flora, mistletoe forms part of the natural habitat, so if you do pick any, it’s always important to leave plenty for the wildlife.

My Improvised Mistletoe Harvesting Tool - A Woodwork Saw Gaffer Taped onto a Loft Ladder Pole
It Worked Surprisingly Well...
I was told this morning that you can purchase small sprigs of mistletoe in Waitrose supermarket for the princly sum of £1.50.

I also found small bags of silver painted pine cones in M&S for £5.50!

Don't all rush at once...

Sorted for the School Xmas Fair...

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